A beauty that wouldn't ever fade,
As the stars never stop being a beautiful shade.
A perfect bundle of joy and pride were you made,
Such that nothing succeeds in obscuring your wade.
For all, you were moulded, no doubt
High and low our sojourns have come about,
Most adorable you remain even while wearing a weary pout.
They'd ask: how do we manage to never travel down south?
He was and still is a blessing from the Most High,
Delivering beyond expectations: I wouldn't ever lie.
Beyond dreams and empty promises: in his place, I'd gladly die.
Indeed, with him I'm blessed with a bounty no price can ever buy!
Who will try give a name to this bond we share?
A fruit you are, from me, that I smile for what I bear.
More than any other, you remain a jewel so dear.
May the Almighty never leave you to yourself so that none shall you fear.
Here's the trophy I bagged without blemish; such a feat!
An embodiment of candies with no taint even in the least!
For you is a deserving gallant knight afraid of no beast;
Avail my having glad tidings that we may rejoice eternally at your gist!
Thanks for reading , you worth it's weight in gold .
Your comments and reactions are recognised and appreciated by this poet .
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